backlink profiel verbeteren

Improve backlink profile, avoid Google Penalty

How can you improve your backlink profile before a new Google update arrives under the motto “prevention is better than cure”! Google started the Penguin updates in April 2012. There were 2 minor updates in May and October 2012, and now the Google Penguin 2.0 update is expected shortly. Spammy websites will now be tackled…


Why Local Link Building Matters

Why local? Local link building is a resource that is often under utilized when starting a link building campaign, but has gained increased importance since Google’s Pigeon algorithm update hit the US, and recently the UK. Over and over again, we see google updating their algorithm to give the user the best search result for…


Facts Are Increasingly Replacing Backlinks As Google Ranking Signal!

Google has released a report that discusses how to rank pages by facts instead of links. If this happens, it would be a major change for the Google search engine, which traditionally uses links as an indicator of relevance. In fact, it was the PageRank algorithm that made Google so important in the first place…